[mpich-discuss] Mapping process to specific node

Pavan Balaji balaji at mcs.anl.gov
Sun Feb 5 14:19:41 CST 2012

This might be a bug in the Hydra code.  I looked through the code.  I 
didn't specifically try the example reported, but I think I know what's 
going wrong here.

Fernando: can you please create a ticket for this?



  -- Pavan

On 02/05/2012 02:15 PM, Rajeev Thakur wrote:
> Not sure what the problem is. You may want to check with the SLURM folks. Does it work without the -f host.txt?
> Rajeev
> On Feb 3, 2012, at 2:53 PM, Fernando Luz wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> Another information, I'm using slurm, and if I execute without reservation the nodes, I'm successful .
>> With slurm, first I made salloc reservation.
>> $ salloc -N 3 --exclusive
>> And I receive a 3 nodes with 8 cores.
>> machine01
>> machine02
>> machine03
>> and if I run mpiexec
>> $ mpiexec -n 10 -f host.txt ./hostname_test
>> srun: error: Only allocated 3 nodes asked for 6
>> Regards
>> Fernando Luz
>> On Sex, 2012-02-03 at 18:31 -0200, Fernando Luz wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I create the follow program:
>>> =========================================================
>>> #include "mpi.h"
>>> # include<cstdlib>
>>> # include<iostream>
>>> # include<iomanip>
>>> # include<ctime>
>>> int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
>>> {
>>>    int rank;
>>>    int size;
>>>    char hostname[255];
>>>    int size_hostname;
>>>    double wtime;
>>>    MPI::Init ( argc, argv );
>>>    size = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size();
>>>    rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
>>>    MPI::Get_processor_name(hostname, size_hostname);
>>>    if ( rank == 0 ){
>>>      std::cout<<  "  print size = "<<  size<<  std::endl;
>>>    }
>>>    std::cout<<  "I am rank="<<  rank<<  " and my hostname="<<  hostname<<  std::endl;
>>>    MPI::Finalize();
>>>    return 0;
>>> }
>>> =========================================================
>>> In my execution test, I was planned run this program using this command-line
>>> $ mpiexec -n 10 -f host.txt ./hostname_test
>>> and the host.txt
>>> ========================================================
>>> machine01  # rank 0 run in machine01
>>> machine02  # rank 1 run in machine02
>>> machine03  # rank 2 run in machine03
>>> machine03  # rank 3 run in machine03
>>> machine02  # rank 4 run in machine02
>>> machine03  # rank 5 run in machine03
>>> machine01  # rank 6 run in machine01
>>> machine01  # rank 7 run in machine01
>>> machine03  # rank 8 run in machine03
>>> machine01  # rank 9 run in machine01
>>> ========================================================
>>> But I don't have success.
>>> It's possible to select a process to run in a specific node?
>>> Regards
>>> Fernando Luz
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Pavan Balaji

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