[mpich-discuss] Building MPICH2-1.5b1 on Windows

Edric Ellis Edric.Ellis at mathworks.co.uk
Tue Apr 24 02:54:31 CDT 2012

Hi there,

I'm trying to build MPICH2-1.5b1 on Windows, and I appear to be hitting the same problem referred to here:


Here's what I tried:

l:\mpich2-1.5b1>cscript winconfigure.wsf --force --remove-fortran --genbuild --genbuildfiles
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Configuring MPICH2 for windows...
l:\mpich2-1.5b1\winconfigure.wsf(280, 2) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: File not found

Is there any way to work around this?


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