[mpich-discuss] questions about MPI_Comm_spawn

toufik hadjazi h_toufik7 at hotmail.fr
Thu Apr 12 07:34:21 CDT 2012

Hi,  I am using MPICH2 on windows 7, and I have two questions:1- when i try to launch a process with MPI_comm_spawn using MPI_ARGV_NULL, it work normally but when i use an array of arguments the job abort; the call for the function is like that :  char *arg_array[4]; 
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
      arg_array[i] = new char[255];
int level = 15, next = 4, range = 5;
itoa(level, arg_array[0], 10); 
itoa(next, arg_array[1], 10);
itoa(range, arg_array[2], 10); MPI_Comm_spawn("testMPI.exe", arg_array, 1, MPI_INFO_NULL, 0, MPI_COMM_SELF, &intercom, MPI_ERRCODES_IGNORE); 2- Is it possible to launch the spawned child on another console (a new console window in the same pc); maybe using the info keys? best Regards,Toufik, 		 	   		  
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