[mpich-discuss] ndefined reference to `MPI_Send'

Omid Alizadeh Choobari omid.alizadehchoobari at pg.canterbury.ac.nz
Tue Sep 13 01:56:07 CDT 2011

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have installed mpich2-1.4.1p1 with PGI compiler at /home/oal14/mpich. 
I need to install Prep_sources_chem with PGI compiler which needs mpich libraries:
These are the addresses of MPICH that I set in the /home/oal14/prep_new/Prep_sources_chem_cptec_wrf/utils/bin/include.mk  before make:
#---------------LINUX Portland Group pgf77/gcc--------------------
PAR_LIBS=-L$(MPI_PATH)/lib -lmpich

The firs step ws successful and as expected "libutils-2.0-opt.a" is built.
Then I went to /home/oal14/prep_new/Prep_sources_chem_cptec_wrf/bin directory and typed make

I have worked more than two weeks on it, but all the time it gets error about undefined reference to `MPI_Send' 

undefined reference to `MPI_Bsend'
and so on. I have attached make.log for your consideration. It seems to me it cannot find mpich libraries, but I set the path of both in the "include,mk" and in .bashrc
I really appreciate if you could advise me if you know a solution for this problem.

Kindest regards,

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