[mpich-discuss] Error while Building MPICH2 (Step 6 of installation)

Zalia Shams zalia18 at cs.vt.edu
Mon Sep 5 15:48:25 CDT 2011

Dear Nicolas,
Sure, I will retry. Seems like it is failing to find fortan compiler at step

Thanks so much for your quick response :).

On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 4:19 PM, Nicolas Rosner <nrosner at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Zalia,
> > After configuring according to step 5, I tried to Build MPICH2
> Are you sure configuration finished successfully?
> > make 2>&1 | tee m.txt
> > But it showed the following error
> > make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
> Running ./configure generates the makefiles that make can't find. The
> simplest explanation would be that something failed on the previous
> step. Unfortunately, the c.txt file you attached contains the same as
> your your m.txt file (the output from step 5 seems to have been
> clobbered by that of step 6). Care to retry?
> Cheers,
> Nicolás

Zalia Shams
Graduate Student
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Tech
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