[mpich-discuss] Problem with MPICH2 install

Abel Marin-Lafleche amarinlafleche at anl.gov
Tue Nov 1 10:37:06 CDT 2011


I have some problem while trying to install mpich2 on a linux machine (64 bit, 
Althoug the make and make install steps appear to have no problem and the cpi 
test program is working too. When I try a make installcheck I receive a bunch of 
errors relateded to F77 and F90 bindings.
It is always the same kind of compiling error:
     undefined reference to `__intel_sse2_strrchr'
     undefined reference to `__intel_sse2_strcspn'
     undefined reference to `__intel_sse2_strdup'

I do need mpif77 and mpif90 to work properly as the code I am working on is 
written in fortran 90.

Here is more detail about what I am trying to do and I join the files m.txt, 
mi.txt and mic.txt

I am using intel compiler icc, icpc and ifort

[b59103 at theo mpich2-1.4.1]$ icc --version
icc (ICC) 12.1.0 20110811
Copyright (C) 1985-2011 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

[b59103 at theo mpich2-1.4.1]$ ifort --version
ifort (IFORT) 11.1 20100806
Copyright (C) 1985-2010 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

[b59103 at theo mpich2-1.4.1]$ icpc --version
icpc (ICC) 12.1.0 20110811
Copyright (C) 1985-2011 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Here is my compile/install script and I join the files m.txt, mi.txt and 

cd /software/src
tar xzf mpich2-1.4.1p1.tar.gz
mkdir /software/build/mpich2-1.4.1
cd /software/build/mpich2-1.4.1
/software/src/mpich2-1.4.1p1/configure  --prefix=/software/mpich2-install CC=icc 
F77=ifort FC=ifort CXX=icpc        \
   --with-pm=gforker --enable-g=meminit  2>&1 | tee c.txt
make 2>&1 | tee m.txt
make install 2>&1 | tee mi.txt
make installcheck 2>&1 | tee mic.txt

Thank you,

Abel Marin-Lafleche
Nuclear Engineering Associate

Nuclear Engineering Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439 USA
Phone: 630-252-4622

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