[mpich-discuss] Trouble running mpiexec with gdb

Vikram Ramanathan vramana2 at iit.edu
Tue May 24 10:29:15 CDT 2011

  I'm using petsc-dev on a Linux (Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit) machine with 2
processors. I was hoping to debug some code when running it on two
  The problem is that gdb needs root permissions to run. I can use/run
mpiexec fine by itself, but when I do something like sudo mpiexec -n 2
[program name] [parameters] -start_in_debugger, I get the following error:

/usr/bin/mpdroot: open failed for root's mpd conf
filempiexec_vikram-Aspire-4820TG (__init__ 1214): forked process failed;

  What does this exactly mean? Is there a way to work around this?

Thank you,
Vikram Ramanathan
Graduate Student, ECE Dept,
Illinois Institute of Technology
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