[mpich-discuss] how to make the hosts files

hyunduk kim fororigin at gmail.com
Wed May 11 00:30:31 CDT 2011


I was trying to install mpich2. mpich2 was running with cpi file after the
before running the mpiexec, I made the machine file 'hosts" under the
install directory as like /usr/local/mpich2/machine.
(in my case, I use the multi-core 2 cpu and one cpu has 6 core)

host1 slots=6
host2 slots=6

And I modified the ".bashrc" file as like

export PATH=/usr/local/mpich2/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mpich2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export HYDRA_HOST_FILE=/usr/local/mpich2/machine/hosts

and I started the test.
#> mpiexec -n 12 -machinefile hosts ./cpi

After run, I was received a error messages as following

[root at francium examples]# mpiexec -f machinefile -n 12 ./cpi
[mpiexec at francium.kaist.ac.kr] HYDU_parse_hostfile
(./utils/args/args.c:316): unable to open host file: machinefile
[mpiexec at francium.kaist.ac.kr] mfile_fn (./ui/mpich/utils.c:181): error
parsing hostfile
[mpiexec at francium.kaist.ac.kr] match_arg (./utils/args/args.c:115): match
handler returned error
[mpiexec at francium.kaist.ac.kr] HYDU_parse_array (./utils/args/args.c:140):
argument matching returned error
[mpiexec at francium.kaist.ac.kr] HYD_uii_mpx_get_parameters
(./ui/mpich/utils.c:1112): error parsing input array

Could someone tell me what is wrong?

H.D. Kim
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