[mpich-discuss] I have a question

Anthony Chan chan at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Sep 21 17:37:18 CDT 2010

It appears your fortran code has an illegal access of memory.
Since you are using intel fortran compiler and assuming you have access
to the source code, recompile the code with -traceback (and probably -g)
which will display a backtrace of where segfault occurs.


----- "sc Deng" <dengsc74.sj at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
>   I meet a question in using MPICH2, the error is as follows,
> TimeStep =    3500  Time = 0.1050E+04
>   Total E =  85.3849     Pot E =  81.9326     Kin E =  3.45222
>   Temp = 0.702334E-04 Pressure =-0.789195E-04 Volume =  191110.
>   Box =  57.7138      57.4711      57.6176
> forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
> Image              PC                Routine            Line
> Source
> DEM_Linux.out      000000000046FAE6  Unknown               Unknown 
> Unknown
> Stack trace terminated abnormally.
> rank 1 in job 5  fn-148-148_54121   caused collective abort of all
> ranks
> exit status of rank 1: killed by signal 9
> It is a 3D Distinct element code, the error appears after computing
> 3500
> time steps, but it is OK for 2D simulation or just 1 processor for
> 3D.
> Please let me know if anyone has the corresponding experience. Thank
> you
> very much.
> -- 
> Your sincerely,
> Shouchun Deng
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