[mpich-discuss] I can not make MPI recognizes a dual core

Yessica Brinkmann yessica.brinkmann at gmail.com
Fri May 21 19:08:11 CDT 2010

Very thanks for your response. I am using windows 7 and I execute at
windows comman line mpiexec -np 2 my_program.exe that you say to me,
at the MPICH2\bin directory.
The system response to me:
Please specify an authentication passphrase for smpd:
And then I write the authentication passphrase that I write on the
MPICH instalation and the system response to me:
Error while connectig to host, No se puede establecer una conexión ya
que el equipo de destino denegó expresamente dicha conexión (10061)
Connect on sock(host=User-PC, port=8676) failed, exhaused all end
points Unable to connect to 'User-PC:8678', sock error: Error = -1
I will thanks you very much any help.
Yessica Brinkmann

2010/5/21 Yessica Brinkmann <yessica.brinkmann at gmail.com>:
> Very thanks for your response.
> The problem is that I am using Visual C++ with Visual Studio 2008 and
> I am not execute my program from the command line. What I can to do?
> Very thanks for your interest.
> Yessica Brinkmann
> 2010/5/21 Gus Correa <gus at ldeo.columbia.edu>:
>> Hi
>> Even in a single core machine it should work (oversubscribing the
>> processor), I suppose.
>> Did you ask for two processes/processors in your mpirun/mpiexec command?
>> mpiexec -np 2 my_program
>> "man mpiexec" is also a helpful source of information.
>> I hope it helps
>> Gus Correa
>> Yessica Brinkmann wrote:
>>> Hello. I am using MPICH2. I am writing my first program in MPI. I
>>> write the sentences:
>>> ...
>>> int id;
>>> MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, & id);
>>> if (id == 0)
>>> / * Master task * /
>>> (
>>> ...
>>> )
>>> else
>>> / * Worker task * /
>>> (
>>> ...
>>> )
>>> And I write other sentences. The issue is that it does not recognize a
>>> DualCore processor, and takes the machine as it only has one
>>> processor, indeed, never enters the else.
>>> I would appreciate very much any help.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Yessica Brinkmann
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