[mpich-discuss] mpicxx linking problem - related to -Wl, -rpath - g++ works

Sebastian Steiger steiger at purdue.edu
Thu May 20 08:26:44 CDT 2010

Hello Dave

Thanks for your comments - with your help I was able to solve the 
proble. Let me answer your questions:

> What version of MPICH2 is this?
The latest Kubuntu package version (

> What library actually defines the missing symbols in the rpath case?  Is it libqhull.so (not "++")?

> Are there conflicting library versions for any libraries (esp. a "qhull" lib) in /usr/lib?
Yes! I forgot that I had installed the Kubuntu qhull package. When I 
re-checked the linking of libnemo using ldd, all over a sudden it linked 
to the one in /usr/lib/, and not my own version. Seems rather arbitrary 
(although I know in the end it isn't).

> You may be able to get some more info by passing "-Wl,-M" on the command line.  This will print a linker map to the standard output
Interesting - didn't know this option.

I removed the qhull package from Kubuntu and now the problem is gone. 


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