[mpich-discuss] MPICH2 and LAPACK

Hélvio Vairinhos helvio.vairinhos at googlemail.com
Mon May 10 17:47:05 CDT 2010

I am new to this forum, and this is my first post.

I am developing a code in Fortran 90, and I use some basic MPI commands 
and LAPACK routines. I work in a Windows platform, but I use Cygwin for 
development. I use the LAPACK package that comes with the Cygwin 
installation, which works perfectly fine when I compile F90 codes with 
gfortran (the usual -llapack -lblas flags). But now I want to 
parallelized my code by adding some basic MPI commands. For this 
purpose, I installed MPICH2 from source, and use mpif90 to compile my 
parallel codes in Cygwin; it works perfectly fine! However, I don't know 
how to compile my codes when both MPI commands and LAPACK routine calls 
are present.

So my questions are: How can I compile LAPACK routines (not ScaLAPACK) 
with mpif90? Is it possible to use the LAPACK routines that come with 
the Cygwin installation?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

-- Hélvio
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