[mpich-discuss] x86 and x86_64

Matveyev Alexander matveyev at gtsys.ru
Wed Jan 27 06:36:52 CST 2010

Of course I have separate binaries.  I forgot to mention it.

Stefan Kuhne wrote:
> Matveyev Alexander schrieb:
>> Thank you for you reply!
>> Compiling MPICH2 in 32-bit mode isn't very good solution in my case,
>> unfortunately. Could you please explain a bit more detailed what is the
>> problem with sending messages between machines with different
>> architecture? MPI uses it's own data types, x86 and x86_32 have the same
>> byte order. I'm sorry to bother you but I really don't understand.
> Normaly you export the bianries with NFs or something simular.
> So you execute the same binary on all machines.
> There is your Problem.
> You can try to have seperate binaries on your machines.
> Stefan Kuhne
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