[mpich-discuss] Question on dealing with Big-Endian/Little-Endian issue

Hiatt, Dave M dave.m.hiatt at citi.com
Fri Jan 15 11:59:09 CST 2010

I have a potential need to communicate across from an AIX box.  Are there any well know ways for overcoming this WITH MPI, my understanding is the MPICH2 is not currently supporting heterogeneous hardware.  Can MPICH1 and MPICH2 potentially share a communicator on the same box?  Do others need to address this, suggestions.

"Consequences, Schmonsequences, as long as I'm rich". - Daffy Duck
Dave Hiatt
Market Risk Systems Integration
CitiMortgage, Inc.
1000 Technology Dr.
Third Floor East, M.S. 55
O'Fallon, MO 63368-2240

Phone:  636-261-1408
Mobile: 314-452-9165
FAX:    636-261-1312
Email:     Dave.M.Hiatt at citigroup.com

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