[mpich-discuss] Building external ROMIO

David Gunter dog at lanl.gov
Mon Feb 22 12:59:53 CST 2010

I am trying to build ROMIO separate from MPICH2 but using the one packaged with the recent MPICH2.  The reason is that we are trying to add some experimental features and want to use this ROMIO with the latest Open-MPI, rather than the outdated ROMIO that ships with OMPI.

To that end, I have built OMPI w/o any ROMIO support and now I am trying to build ROMIO against it.  I'm doing a bare "configure" since I do not think the --with-mpi= flag supports OMPI. I do have the path to mpicc in my PATH, etc.

The configure stops with the error message:

configure:11958: error: Unable to compile a simple MPI program.
Use environment variables to provide the location of MPI libraries and
include directories

What environment variables should be set for configure to pick up?

David Gunter
HPC-3: Infrastructure Team
Los Alamos National Laboratory

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