[mpich-discuss] Getting runtime exception

Rajnish rajnish99 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 5 07:24:59 CST 2010

First thank you all a lot for providing help here.

I have two Linux SMP nodes, say n1 and n2.

n1 has Linux 2.1.18 with gcc 4.1.2 and n2 has Linux 2.1.20 with gcc 4.1.1
running. Both are on NFS and shh-accesible.

I got MPICH2 installed and running. *mpdringtest *with both nodes on the
ring runs fine.

When I schedule tasks on same node, they run fine.

However, when I schedule tasks across both nodes, with n2 as the master
node, I get the following message on n1:

mpd_uncaught_except_tb handling:
 exceptions.KeyError: 'process_mapping'
   /usr/local/bin/mpd  1354  do_mpdrun
       msg['process_mapping'][lorank] = self.myHost
   /usr/local/bin/mpd  984  handle_lhs_input
   /usr/local/bin/mpdlib.py  780  handle_active_streams
   /usr/local/bin/mpd  301  runmainloop
       rv = self.streamHandler.handle_active_streams(timeout=8.0)
   /usr/local/bin/mpd  270  run
   /usr/local/bin/mpd  1643  ?
n1-wulf.myhost.org_mpdman_1 (run 287): invalid msg from lhs; expecting
ringsize got: {}

After doing *mpdallexit*, n2 shows the following message:

mpiexec_n2-wulf.myhost.org (mpiexec 377): no msg recvd from mpd when
expecting ack of request

My question: Do I need exactly same OS version on both n1 and n2, or same
gcc version on both, or I may have some other installation problem?

Thanks in advance,
- Rajnish.
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