[mpich-discuss] Strange MPICH2 behavior in Clearcase

Dave Goodell goodell at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Apr 8 12:29:40 CDT 2010

We (the MPICH2 developers) don't have any experience with clearcase.   
Perhaps someone in the community does though.  Because of the way that  
clearcase works, strange filesystem behavior in MPD doesn't surprise me.

I would try two things:

1) Use hydra with the "-wdir" option instead of MPD, as we discussed  
in a previous thread: https://lists.mcs.anl.gov/mailman/htdig/mpich-discuss/2010-January/006356.html

2) Run your mpdboot from a directory outside of your clearcase mount.   
This might avoid some of these problems.


On Apr 8, 2010, at 11:59 AM, chong tan wrote:

> I am running MPICH2 1.2.1 in Clearcase and observed this crazy  
> MPICH2 behavior.  basically,
> I have 2 code streams (or clearcase view), one is a stable one and  
> is where I am writing new code.
> the 2 streams are not compatible to some extend.  Say my executable  
> is called MY, so there are 2
> version of it.
> I launch MY in a common script using :
> mpiexec MY < options> : MY < options>  : ...
> I run both, alternatedly on my test cases.  the run dir is cleaned  
> to the bone between the runs.  From time
> to time, I run into situation where the wrong executable was picked  
> up.  the problem goes away after
> I restart mpd.
> Question:  is this a know issue of MPICH2 ? or this is a issue of  
> MPICH2 + clearcase ?
> thanks
> tan
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