[mpich-discuss] Query re getting started with MPICH in a Windows XP system

jayesh at mcs.anl.gov jayesh at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Nov 23 09:05:26 CST 2009

 The job launcher, mpiexec, requires a valid username/password (local user on the machine or a domain user) to launch MPI jobs. The passphrase (default is "behappy") is used by the MPICH2 runtime system to authenticate between its components (Not related to user running the job).
 Try "mpiexec -whoami" at the command prompt to know your username. When prompted for a username/password you need to specify the username and the user's password (I would recommend going to the control panel and setting a password for the user if you don't have it set).
 Let us know if it works.

(PS: A command "mpiexec -n 2 hostname" should work if the username/password is registered correctly.)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Lawson" <chucksolve at gmail.com>
To: "MPICH Discussion" <Mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov>
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 2:22:10 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: [mpich-discuss] Query re getting started with MPICH in a Windows XP system

I have been using the MUMPS sparse matrix package on a single PC since July. I am now trying to activate its parallel processing capability. MUMPS is designed to use MPI for parallel processing, but the distributed implementation of MUMPS does not include MPI. A member of the MUMPS development team suggested that I obtain the MPICH implementation from Argonne. I will initially be checking this out on two PC's connected via a wireless network. These are 32-bit single-core PC's using the Windows XP operating system. I am using the Intel Fortran and C/C++ Version 11 compilers. I am avoiding direct use of "Visual Studio", however it is installed on one of the PC's. 

I downloaded MPICH from the Argonne site. I have compiled and linked the sample program, fpi.f, so I have an executable file, fpi.exe. It seems that to execute this program, I need to execute a command line of the form 
mpiexec ... fpi.exe 
I don't know what is needed where the dots are. The only info I find about the usage of mipexec is the "help" info that gives a list of options. Without a more comprehensive description of the purpose and functionality of mpiexec I have not been able to guess a good set of options. It seems to want a user name and a password from me. I am the only user of these PC's so I don't provide a user name or password when using them. I was given a password, behappy, as part of the download of MPICH, but I haven't found a way to provide that to mpiexec -- if that is what it wants. 

I am not entirely new to the concept of using message passing on a multiprocessor system. For about a year in the mid-1990's I developed software for a science project on a Cray T3D, making use of the message passing system provided with that machine. However, I have never had to install a message passing system, and I am not accustomed to dealing with system-level concepts, such as ports and channels and smpd. 

I would appreciate guidance in moving forward from this stage to make use of MPI. 

(Last Thursday I briefly discussed my situation with Darius Buntinas of ANL at the SC09 Conference in Portland, and he suggesting writing to Mpich-discus would be the best way to reach someone knowledgeable about MPI in a Windows XP environment.) 

-- Chuck 
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