[mpich-discuss] I wonder if my mpdboot is the cause of problem...help me!

Gra zeus gra_zeus at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 18 00:05:32 CDT 2009

thx for answer yesterday.I tested my code in one machine (with"mpiexec -n 2 ./myprog"),everything work fine - my program can use MPI_Send,MPI_Recv without any problems.
today, I setup mpich2 on two machines. Both machines can communicate with others, ssh are tested on both machines, mpd work, mpdringtest work.
however,when i run my program that use MPI_Send and MPI_Recv,  MPI_Recv is blocked forever.so i write new simple code to test MPI_Send,MPI_Recv like this
        int myrank;        MPI_Status status;	MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );	MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank );	if (myrank == 0) 	{		int senddata = 1;		MPI_Send(&senddata, 1, MPI_INT, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);	}	else if (myrank == 1) 	{		int recvdata = 0;		MPI_Recv(&recvdata, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);		printf("received :%d:\n", recvdata);	}	MPI_Finalize();

i got this error

Assertion failed in file ch3_progress.c at line 489: pkt->type >= 0 && pkt->type < MPIDI_NEM_PKT_ENDinternal ABORT - process 1Fatal error in MPI_Finalize: Other MPI error, error stack:MPI_Finalize(315)..................: MPI_Finalize failedMPI_Finalize(207)..................: MPID_Finalize(92)..................: PMPI_Barrier(476)..................: MPI_Barrier(comm=0x44000002) failedMPIR_Barrier(82)...................: MPIC_Sendrecv(164).................: MPIC_Wait(405).....................: MPIDI_CH3I_Progress(150)...........: MPID_nem_mpich2_blocking_recv(1074): MPID_nem_tcp_connpoll(1667)........: state_commrdy_handler(1517)........: MPID_nem_tcp_recv_handler(1413)....: socket closed
I also tried example/cpi that come with install package -> result is the example program freezed, without any errors.(I assume it stopped at MPI_Bcast())
Can anyone help me with this?This code and my program can run smoothly when I use 1 machine (with option ,  -n 2, -n 4 .... etc) but whenever I start mpdboot with 2 machines, mpi processes can't communicate with other mpi processes via MPI_Send,MPI_Recv.

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