[mpich-discuss] MPI_Win_fence memory consumption

Dorian Krause ddkrause at uni-bonn.de
Fri Feb 27 07:15:35 CST 2009

Hi List,

the attached test program uses MPI_Accumulate/MPI_Win_fence for one 
sided communication with derived datatype.
The program runs fine with mpich2-1.1a2 except for my debugging version 
of MPICH2 compiled with

./configure --with-device=ch3:nemesis --enable-g=dbg,mem,meminit

In this case the MPI_Win_fence on the target side comuses about 90% of 
main memory (e.g. > 3 GB). As the behaviour is completely
different for predefined datatypes, I suspect that the memory 
consumption is related to the construction of the
derived datatype on the target side.

Is there a workaround for this?

Thanks + Best regards,

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