[mpich-discuss] Launching Tasks in Windows XP64

larry.adams1 at tema.toyota.com larry.adams1 at tema.toyota.com
Thu Feb 26 16:04:35 CST 2009


When attempting to launch a tast in WindowsXP 64 using the following:

mpiexec -delegate -hosts 1 hostA hostname

I receive the following error:

Launch failed: CreateProcess(hostname.exe) on 'hostA' failed, error 5 - 
Access is denied.

It would appear that in 64bit XP, Micros*** has implemented a new secirity 
model that assigns a user to an implicit group upon login, and several 
binaries are no long accessible to the "Users" group as you would expect 
in the 32bit version of Windoz.  This is the same security model that now 
appears in Windows2003 server after SP1.

I am wondering what is the "correct" workaround (besides going to Linux) 
to this problem.  Or, is this a bug with the Service Principal 
configuration in MPICH2?  This may be funny, but it's not a joke.


Larry Adams
aka. TheWitness
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