[mpich-discuss] Problem with running mpiexec on more than one Windows XP machines

Sole Eko sole.eko at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 13:00:39 CST 2009


I am new in MPI and MPICH in particular.

I firstly installed mpich2 on two machines in same lan, both machines have
same (admin) account name/password.
so I created file pwd.exe to store username and password.

than, I had set available hosts for smpd on both of them like this:

smpd -sethosts ipmachine1 ipmachine2 , where I put real ip addresses of
I tried to run example cpi.exe on machine1:

mpiexec.exe -pwdfile pwd.txt cpi.exe  - and it worked

than similar from machine1 started cpi.exe on machine2:

mpiexec.exe -pwdfile pwd.txt -host ipmachine2 cpi.exe - this also worked, no

but, when I tried to run on both machines, first like this:
mpiexec.exe -pwdfile pwd.txt -n 2 cpi.exe - it doesen't work, it start cpi
on machine1 and asks for number of intervals and then nothing is gonig on..
just cousor in new line blinking..
and, when I cancel job with ctrl+c - i got this:

job aborted:
rank: node: exit code[: error message]
0: ipmachine1 : 123: mpiexec aborting job
1: ipmachine2 : 123
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

so, after all, there is something happening on machine2, but I don't
understand what is going on..

I also tried with -machinefile option..  -  no results

I compiled cpi.c file and tired non-interactive version, same I got..

Can anybody help me?
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