[mpich-discuss] Question on the Centos/RH binaries for 1.2.1

Hiatt, Dave M dave.m.hiatt at citi.com
Tue Dec 15 13:50:27 CST 2009

Yeah, problem is, the security gnomes won't let me have internet access on my x64's.  So I'm stuck with sneaker net.

-----Original Message-----
From: mpich-discuss-bounces at mcs.anl.gov
[mailto:mpich-discuss-bounces at mcs.anl.gov]On Behalf Of chan at mcs.anl.gov
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 1:48 PM
To: mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov
Subject: Re: [mpich-discuss] Question on the Centos/RH binaries for

For Redhat linux, the easiest way to install mpich2 is to
use "yum", i.e. do "yum install mpich2 mpich2-devel" as root.
For CentOS RH 5.3, you probably need "el5" which I think means
"Enterprise Linux 5".


----- "Dave M Hiatt" <dave.m.hiatt at citi.com> wrote:

> If I may, I have a question.  I am a neophyte in terms of Linux, just
> setting up my first Linux node.  I have many Windows x64 XP nodes
> running.  But I am in great need to get a binary up and running on the
> Centos equivalent of RH 5.3.
> I followed the URL's on the site but I don' t really understand the
> nomenclature for the releases.  I took the "el" to mean Enterprise
> editions, and the "fc" to mean the standard releases.  I have so far
> one box built up for Linux on the Centos RH 5.3 equivalent.  I am
> running x64.  I picked the 1.2.1 release version, and followed that,
> but do not have the Linux knowledge to decipher what the 1.; 2.; 3.
> meanings are and what fc1x implies.  I downloaded 1.fc13, 2.fc13, and
> 3.fc13 thinking they are related and should be installed in that
> order.  Is that correct?  Could you educate me.  Sorry for my
> ignorance.
> Dave
> "Consequences, Schmonsequences, as long as I'm rich". - Daffy Duck
> Dave Hiatt
> Market Risk Systems Integration
> CitiMortgage, Inc.
> 1000 Technology Dr.
> Third Floor East, M.S. 55
> O'Fallon, MO 63368-2240
> Phone:  636-261-1408
> Mobile: 314-452-9165
> FAX:    636-261-1312
> Email:     Dave.M.Hiatt at citigroup.com
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