[mpich-discuss] Running the processes just in the nodes

Ralph Butler rbutler at mtsu.edu
Mon Sep 22 12:19:58 CDT 2008

Below is a quick demo of how to do such things.

First, show 3 machines in the mpd ring:

(bp400:70)% mpdtrace

Now show that by default 3 processes will run on all the machines:

(bp400:71)% mpiexec -l -n 3 hostname
0: bp400
1: bp403
2: bp401

Now use the -1 (minus 1) arg to cause the first process to locate on  
the second host.  Of course
the last one comes back to the first host, which may still be  

(bp400:72)% mpiexec -l -1 -n 3 hostname
2: bp400
0: bp403
1: bp401

Now, create a machine file (named mf) and prepare to use it.  It will  
map ranks to hosts.
(bp400:74)% vi mf
(bp400:75)% cat mf

Now use that machinefile to run the procs on hosts other than bp400.
(bp400:76)% mpiexec -l -machinefile mf -n 3 hostname
0: bp401
1: bp403
2: bp401

There are other ways to accomplish this as well using other options  
documented in the user guide.


On MonSep 22, at Mon Sep 22 7:36AM, Ariovaldo de Souza Junior wrote:

> I would like to know if is that possible to run the processes just  
> in the nodes, leting the master node free for other tasks. For  
> example, I have a small cluster with 9 core 2 quad, I would like to  
> run the calculations just in 8 computers. I have tried editing the  
> mpd.hosts commenting the line that points the name of the master  
> node but it was useless, it started anyway. Does anyone have a ligh  
> to sheed over this issue?
> Thanks from now,
> Ariovaldo de Souza Junior
> Federal University of Amazonas

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