[mpich-discuss] MPI_Alloc_mem: optimized memory usage

James S Perrin james.s.perrin at manchester.ac.uk
Fri Nov 7 11:54:56 CST 2008

	Are MPICH2 calls optimized for SMP/multi-core architectures if I 
allocate buffers using MPI_Alloc_mem()? I was reading the in the MPI2.1 
spec that MPI_Alloc_mem can be implemented to take advantage of shared 
memory pools when available meaning I can keep my code portable and 
clean. Presumably this would only be available in ch3:ssm and nemesis 

   James S. Perrin

   Research Computing Services
   Devonshire House, University Precinct
   The University of Manchester
   Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL

   t: +44 (0) 161 275 6945
   e: james.perrin at manchester.ac.uk
   w: www.manchester.ac.uk/researchcomputing
  "The test of intellect is the refusal to belabour the obvious"
  - Alfred Bester

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