[mpich-discuss] MPI_File_set_view Error: ADIOI_Count_contiguous_blocks

Ingo Bojak I.Bojak at science.ru.nl
Fri May 30 11:23:01 CDT 2008

Robert Latham wrote:
> - How many processes are writing?
All processes in the ring, i.e., typically no less than 8 and no more 
than about 40.
> - About how much data is each process writing?
Two scenarios:
1) in single state variable tracking about (20,000 to 70,000) doubles 
repeatedly, data evenly spread over nodes.
2) in checkpoint dumping about (20,000 to 70,000) x 70 doubles, once, 
also evenly spread
> - Is the data noncontiguous in memory? file? both?
The data is noncontiguous in the file (complicated write pattern set 
with fileview for every process). The dara is noncontiguous in memory, 
actually transpose to what would be needed for write out, so I currently 
transpose it into a contiguous write-out buffer for the writing with the 
file view.
> - What's the interconnect for this machine?
Good question, since it will run on several different clusters, and I'm 
not terribly  familiar with the details of all of them. I think Gigabit 
ethernet on one, and 20 Gb/s Infiniband on the other.
> - How fast is your storage?
Uhmm, no idea, regular NFS PC hard drives? (All are blade clusters.)


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