[mpich-discuss] Scalability of Intel quad core (Harpertown) cluster

Hee Il Kim heeilkim at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 17:04:21 CDT 2008

Thanks Pavan,

The Cactus benchmark uses huge codes. It's originally for the numerical
relativity whose main purpose is to solve the Einstein equation numerically,
e.g black hole collisions, neutron star collisions, and other phenomena in
strong gravitational fields.

Basically the benchmark code is composed of three different codes, Cactus
(Evolution of gravitational fields), Carpet (mesh-refinement driver for
Cactus), and Whisky (for hydrodynamics). Each one could be obtained from

http://www.cactuscode.org  (from CVS repository)
http://www.carpetcode.org   (from GIT repository)
http://www.whiskycode.org  (tarball file from download section. Don't miss

You can get some benchmark tarball files from Cactus homepage but they are
out-of-date. You should get (checkout) recent DEVELOPMENT versions.

Please let me know if your have any problems.

Hee Il

2008/3/29, Pavan Balaji <balaji at mcs.anl.gov>:
> Hee,
> Can you send us this code? I'm interested in seeing what is causing the
> communication time to go up so much.
>   -- Pavan
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