[mpich-discuss] MPI_INIT_THREAD doesn't work properly under windows

trymelz trymelz trymelz at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 17 14:01:45 CDT 2008


I have a mixed-language programming project using C and FORTRAN. In the FORTRAN file, I have the following code

        call MPI_INIT_THREAD(MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED,plevel, impierr)
          write(*,*)'MPI is not initialized, exit'
        elseif(plevel .ne. MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED)then
          write(*,*)'MPI LEVEL ERROR,exit',plevel

I compiled this project with VC6 and Intel Fortran compiler. When I run it, I get

 MPI LEVEL ERROR,exit           0

It seems to me that the MPICH2 doesn't support MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED under windows.  I did not find any notes about this on the manual, so I am wondering if I am missing something important. Thanks.


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