[mpich-discuss] MPICH2 error mpdboot

Francisco Pastor paco at ceam.es
Tue Jul 8 06:49:48 CDT 2008

Hi everyone

I'm trying to set up a linux cluster that will use mpich2. After 
succesfully installing I go on through the check tests and get an error 
with mpdboot:

/meteo at boira:~$ mpdboot -n 2 -f mpd.hosts
mpdboot_boira (handle_mpd_output 406): from mpd on boira2, invalid port 

where boira and boira2 are two of the cluster nodes. MPICH2 is exported 
on all the nodes, ssh is properly set up.

I've tried googling but after reading a lot of messages about this 
problem couldn't find a solution.

Any idea? what am I missing?

Thanks in advance

Francisco Pastor
Meteorology department
Fundación CEAM
paco at ceam.es
http://www.ceam.es/ceamet - http://www.ceam.es
Parque Tecnologico, C/ Charles R. Darwin, 14
46980 PATERNA (Valencia), Spain
Tlf. 96 131 82 27 - Fax. 96 131 81 90
Usuario Linux registrado: 363952

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