[MPICH] Tracing the mpich library with gdb and xtern

Krishna Chaitanya kris.c1986 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 07:28:14 CST 2008

     Thanks for your time, but I still am not getting this to work.
Let say, i have local machine  and remote machine. I am ssh-ing from local
machine to remote machine and I am issuing mpiexec from local machine.
     By default, the DISPLAY variable is set to 0.0 on both the terminals.
    At the prompt of the local node, I am using mpiexec along with "xterm -e

>   You have to set the DISPLAY variable to the IPAddress:0.0 on the remote
machine whre you are trying to run the job.
   On the local node, "xhost +" displays :
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host.
   On the remote node,  I tried doing :
$ export DISPLAY = localhost:0.0

      The remote node's debugging window was launched on the remote terminal
and the local's window was launched on the local node. But, I need to have
the remote node's window displayed on the local node.
Same was the case with  :
$ export DISPLAY = :0.0 on the remote node.

@Ashley :
>It sounds like you set DISPLAY before sshing to the remote machine, you
should run ssh without the -x flag (although it won't do any harm) and
set DISPLAY on the machine where you issue the mpirun.
      Setting the DISPLAY to localhost:0.0 on the  local node and not
altering the DISPLAY on the remote node,  fails to open the window on either

      Please help me get past this.

Krishna Chaitanya K

>It sounds like you set DISPLAY before sshing to the remote machine, you
should run ssh without the -x flag (although it won't do any harm) and
set DISPLAY on the machine where you issue the mpirun.

On 1/3/08, Ashley Pittman <apittman at concurrent-thinking.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-01-03 at 16:44 +0530, Krishna Chaitanya wrote:
> > Hi Ravi,
> >             The problem is as simple as this :  When I issue the
> > mpiexec command with the gdb option, i wish to have xterm launch two
> > debug windows so that i can trace through sender's and the receiver's
> > codes.
> >              As of now, xterm is launching two windows, but one on my
> > local machine and the other on the remote machine and I wish to have
> > both displayed on the local machine.
> > >         You have to set the DISPLAY variable to the IPAddress: 0.0 on
> > the remote machine whre you are trying to run the job.
> >               The IPAddress should be the remote machine's or the
> > local machine's?
> >
> >              I anyway tried both.
> >  At the local machine, i did  "xhost +" and got :
> > access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
> >
> >              But, the remote node's debug window is still being
> > launched in the remote machine and not on the local machine.
> It sounds like you set DISPLAY before sshing to the remote machine, you
> should run ssh without the -x flag (although it won't do any harm) and
> set DISPLAY on the machine where you issue the mpirun.
> Ashley,

In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity
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