[MPICH] build mpich2 with Myrinet GM

Wei-keng Liao wkliao at ece.northwestern.edu
Tue Feb 26 10:08:38 CST 2008

I have a few questions on build mpich2-1.0.6p1 with Myrinet GM library.

On my target machine, the GM library (include, lib, bin, etc.) is in 
/opt/gm. According to MPICH README, I used the 2 options below when 
    --with-device=ch3:nemesis:gm  and --with-gm=/opt/gm

I can see both libgm.a and libgm.so are in /opt/gm/lib.

Q1: Do I need other configure options or setting environment variables
    (in addition to CC, FC, CXX, F90)? Should I set LDFLAGS 
    to "-L/opt/gm/lib -lgm" ?

Q2: Since nemesis does not support MPI dynamic process routines yet and I 
    need those routines, can I use --with-device=ch3:sock:gm instead?

Q3: Do I need anything else (source codes, library) from Myrinet to build 
    mpich? Or the /opt/gm is good enough?

Q4: Once the mpich is built, is there a way to verify that GM is actually 


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