[MPICH] Problems with mpd

Gaetano Bellanca gaetano.bellanca at unife.it
Thu Feb 14 17:25:24 CST 2008


I'm trying to set-up mpich2 (last version) on a linux cluster (ubuntu 
gutsy) and I'm having some problems using root mpd from a normal 
user. I'm following the tests indicated in the manual, and everything 
is fine using mpd as a normal user.

Running mpd at boot from root, when I'm on the server machine, a 
normal user is able to run mpiexec -n 1 hostname getting the correct 
hostname answer.

On the slave machine, on the contrary, it results with the following message:

/opt/mpich2/1.0.6p1/intel10.1/bin/mpdroot: open failed for root's mpd 
conf filempiexec_cluster3 (__init__ 1190): forked process failed; status=255

It seems to be a problem relevant to the /etc/mpd.conf file. But this 
file is the same I have on the server (with same permissions).

The command is executed regularly on the slave machine with sudo 
mpiexec -n 1 hostname.

Could it be a problem relevant to the fact that, the mpich2 directory 
is mounted from the server via nfs?



Gaetano Bellanca - Department of Engineering - University of Ferrara
Via Saragat, 1 - 44100 - Ferrara - ITALY
Voice (VoIP):  +39 0532 974809     Fax:  +39 0532 974870
mailto:gaetano.bellanca at unife.it

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