[MPICH] MPICH2 with mumps error in a call to MPI_Bcast (INVALID DATATYPE,Invalid communicator)

Tunc Bahcecioglu tuncbah at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 07:44:12 CST 2008


I am trying to make MUMPS run with MPICH2. I send a mail to MUMPS mailing
list but couldn't get an answer.

MPI stops and gives the following error message after a cal to MPI_BCAST

Here NRHS is 0 and COMM is MPI_COMM_WORLD (I don't know if running the
program with mpiexec changes these parameters but the error message does not

*job aborted:**
process: node: exit code: error message:
0: localhost: 1: Fatal error in MPI_Bcast: Invalid communicator, error
MPI_Bcast(784): MPI_Bcast(buf=0012FA08, count=1, INVALID DATATYPE, root=0,
0x5b) failed
MPI_Bcast(700): Invalid communicator*

I am using Intel FORTRAN and C++ compilers v10, VSNET2003, and I am running
on a dual core Vista machine.

Any idea about the error message or what I may be doing wrong?

The main code I am trying is an example from mumps so I don't think the
error is in the code by the way.
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