[mpich-discuss] mpich2 1.0.8: problems compiling (simplemake)

Bellanca Gaetano gaetano.bellanca at unife.it
Tue Dec 30 18:28:42 CST 2008

Dear Rajeev,

it works. Compiling in a sub-directory in /tmp solved the problem. 
But I'd like to know the reason. Or, better, I'd like to know if it 
will be necessary to do this in the new releases of mpich2. I'm going 
to compile the new pre-release, and I'd like to know if I need to 
compile in /tmp sub-directories. In all the previous versions, I've 
never experienced this problem.

Anyway, thanks a lot for the proposed solution and ... happy new year 
to you and to everyone in the list.



Gaetano Bellanca - Department of Engineering - University of Ferrara
Via Saragat, 1 - 44100 - Ferrara - ITALY
Voice (VoIP):  +39 0532 974809     Fax:  +39 0532 974870
mailto:gaetano.bellanca at unife.it

"L'istruzione costa? Stanno provando con l'ignoranza!"

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