[MPICH] VIsualization ??? FYI - mandel viewer

Jayesh Krishna jayesh at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Apr 17 14:14:31 CDT 2007

 I have attached the code for MandelViewer, which is a program similar to
your requirements. The program opens a port and broadcasts this port number
to all visualizers in MPI_COMM_WORLD. The visualizers connect to this port
and the program sends the appropriate information to the visualizer.


-----Original Message-----
From: rppass at rppass.com [mailto:rppass at rppass.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 10:54 AM
To: Jayesh Krishna
Cc: rppass at rppass.com; 'Trach-Minh Tran'; mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov
Subject: RE: [MPICH] VIsualization ???

Thanks you for your efforts.

SO I take it that if I start the two jobs (computation and visualization)
with the same mpiexec command, then I can publish names?

To try to work around this, I start the computation and have it print out
its port-name (looking like tag=0 port..........)  I then enter that
port-name into the visualization program and try to connect to that explicit
port name.  This does not connect.  So I have two problems!  The first being
the name lookup and then the second, if I get the port-name from the name
lookup, using it to connect (unless the format or structure of the port-name
from the name lookup is different than that returned by MPI_OPEN_PORT


> Hi,
>  MPICH2 on windows only supports the smpd process manager. I am 
> currently looking into the code to find out the extend of support 
> available in smpd process manager for publishing a name (You can 
> publish names across MPI processes run using the same mpiexec command 
> using smpd. MPD allows you to specify the machines in the MPD ring 
> during mpdboot time and the published name is published to all the
machines in the MPD ring.).
> (Note: There is a -sethosts option in smpd which could be of help. I 
> will dig into the code and let you know soon.)
> Regards,
> Jayesh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov
> [mailto:owner-mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov] On Behalf Of 
> rppass at rppass.com
> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 7:25 AM
> To: Trach-Minh Tran
> Cc: Ralph Pass; mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov
> Subject: Re: [MPICH] VIsualization ???
> Naive me, I just got MPICH2 from the MPICH2 web site at Argonne.
> I am running on Windows XP.
> How do I tell the version of MPICH2 that I got?
> Thank you,
> Ralph Pass
>> On 04/13/2007 09:26 PM, Ralph Pass wrote:
>>> I am trying to get a separate process (visualizer) to connect to a 
>>> server for computation of results to be visualized).  I am tyring to 
>>> emulate the code in Using MPI-2 (I downloaded the version yesterday).
>>> I try to publish the name of the computation program and then accept 
>>> a comm.
>>> On the visualizer side I try to lookup the name.
>>> I am using C++ on a Windows XP system.
>>> I run the computation program (using mpiexec to start it) and it is 
>>> fat and dumb, awaiting a connection  and then a data transfer.
>>> On the visualization side, when I try the lookup call [looks like:
>>> MPI_Lookup_name("ImageProcessing", MPI_INFO_NULL, mMPIPortName);]
>>> I get an error return: 536999969.  When I convert this to a string, 
>>> I
>>> get:
>>> Error message Invalid service name (see MPI_Publish_name), error stack:
>>> MPID_NS_Lookup(70): Lookup failed for service name ImageProcessing
>>> I start the computation with mpiexec -n 4 processing
>>> and the visualizer with
>>> mpiexec -localonly 1 visualizer
>>> Any help or comments? (Like you need to start the two programs in 
>>> the same mpiexec command)
>> Which mpiexec did you use? The publish_name/lookup_name does not work 
>> with the OSC's mpiexec. However with the MPICH2 MPD version, it does.
>> After setting up the MPD with "mpdboot ...", I just run
>> mpiexec -n 1 ./viz < /dev/null &
>> mpiexec -n 4 ./comp
>> Hope this help.
>> -Minh.

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