[MPICH] Re: mpich2 error

Hashem Al-Yamani hashem.yamani at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 13:09:20 CDT 2007

Dear All ;

What does it mean when u have the following error while using mpich2 :

*** Oops -- I cannot open the LAM help file.
*** I tried looking for it in the following places:
***   $HOME/lam-helpfile
***   $HOME/lam-7.0.6-helpfile
***   $HOME/etc/lam-helpfile
***   $HOME/etc/lam-7.0.6-helpfile
***   $LAMHELPDIR/lam-helpfile
***   $LAMHELPDIR/lam-7.0.6-helpfile
***   $LAMHOME/etc/lam-helpfile
***   $LAMHOME/etc/lam-7.0.6-helpfile
***   $SYSCONFDIR/lam-helpfile
***   $SYSCONFDIR/lam-7.0.6-helpfile
*** You were supposed to get help on the program "MPI"
*** about the topic "no-lamd"
*** Sorry!
*** Oops -- I cannot open the LAM help file.
*** I tried looking for it in the following places:
***   $HOME/lam-helpfile
***   $HOME/lam-7.0.6-helpfile
***   $HOME/etc/lam-helpfile
***   $HOME/etc/lam-7.0.6-helpfile
***   $LAMHELPDIR/lam-helpfile
***   $LAMHELPDIR/lam-7.0.6-helpfile
***   $LAMHOME/etc/lam-helpfile
***   $LAMHOME/etc/lam-7.0.6-helpfile
***   $SYSCONFDIR/lam-helpfile
***   $SYSCONFDIR/lam-7.0.6-helpfile
*** You were supposed to get help on the program "MPI"
*** about the topic "no-lamd"
*** Sorry!

It seems that there is no lamd running on the host Main-server.

This indicates that the LAM/MPI runtime environment is not operating.
The LAM/MPI runtime environment is necessary for MPI programs to run
(the MPI program tired to invoke the "MPI_Init" function).

Please run the "lamboot" command the start the LAM/MPI runtime
environment.  See the LAM/MPI documentation for how to invoke
"lamboot" across multiple machines.
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