R: Re: [MPICH] MPI_Probe, MPI_Iprobe MPI_Bcast

Eng. A.A. Isola alfonso.isola at tin.it
Fri Sep 15 12:01:27 CDT 2006

Ok for the answer, but there's anything that don't work...

For ex.
"No, because MPI_Bcast is a collective operation. All members of the
communicator used there must call MPI_Bcast simultaneously, behaves 
like a barrier. So if one of the members doesn't call MPI_Bcast, you'll 
have a deadlock."

Sorry but the MPI_Barrier is a collective BLOCKING 
routine, then if for ex. there're 3 processes, and 1 of them for any 
reasons is too much slow and don't call the MPI_Bcast, the others 2 
processes will wait it. Isn't mandatory that all the processes call the 
MPI_Bcast "simultaneously", because the fater processes will wait the 
slower (like the MPI_Barrier as you say).


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