[MPICH] Website

Rob Ross rross at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Jan 27 13:58:21 CST 2006

Yeah, this seems like an obvious thing for us to do :).  Thanks for 
reminding us of the state of our web pages!


James S Perrin wrote:
> Hi,
>     I was wondering if you have considered changing the website 
> (http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich) so that MPICH2 is the focus on 
> the MPICH frontpage and MPICH1 is demoted to a separate area. The reason 
> I say this is that there seem to be quite a few new users who start off 
> using MPICH1 and when they get stuck the first thing we tell them is to 
> move to MPICH2.
>     This seems to be down to the term MPICH being used ubiquitously to 
> mean either version and so when people search for MPICH they come across 
> MPICH1 first. The MPICH2 section is no more prominent now that MPICH2 is 
> stable (v1.0) than it was when for the development versions. It might 
> just a be a simple case of moving the "MPICH2" section to the top of the 
> page.
> Regards
> James

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