[MPICH] Website

James S Perrin james.s.perrin at manchester.ac.uk
Fri Jan 27 05:13:21 CST 2006

	I was wondering if you have considered changing the website 
(http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich) so that MPICH2 is the focus on the MPICH 
frontpage and MPICH1 is demoted to a separate area. The reason I say this is 
that there seem to be quite a few new users who start off using MPICH1 and when 
they get stuck the first thing we tell them is to move to MPICH2.

	This seems to be down to the term MPICH being used ubiquitously to mean either 
version and so when people search for MPICH they come across MPICH1 first. The 
MPICH2 section is no more prominent now that MPICH2 is stable (v1.0) than it was 
when for the development versions. It might just a be a simple case of moving 
the "MPICH2" section to the top of the page.

James S. Perrin,                   | email: james.perrin at manchester.ac.uk
Manchester Visualization Centre,   | www.sve.man.ac.uk/General/Staff/perrin
Kilburn Building, The University,  | tel: +44 161 275 6945
Manchester, England. M13 9PL.      | fax: +44 161 275 6800/6040
"The test of intellect is the refusal to belabour the obvious" -Alfred Bester

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