[MPICH] MPICH2 - Communication across different platforms.

Hari Sudan hari.sudan at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 27 14:40:10 CST 2006

I am trying to obtain some information if MPICH2 implementation can be used across 2 different platforms(Linux and windows) for communication.
  We currently have an appliation running on our linux cluster and another windows application on the desktop PC. 
  The application on the PC should spawn(MPI_spawn) the application on the linux cluster and starts the process of Send/Recieve back and forth(MPI_send, MPI_recv). 
  We were able to achieve this across the same platform(2 windows machines) and have not yet tried it between Linux and windows. This is a simple communication process and we are not trying to split the load for parallel computing.
  I learnt that this could be acheived using Sockets for communication. But we would prefer using MPICH2 if it is possible
  Any suggestions or alternative approaches would be appreciated.

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