[MPICH] MPICH2 startup w/ PBS

John Ryan john.p.ryan at cs.tcd.ie
Tue Apr 4 10:25:59 CDT 2006

Hi, this works for me

(a) download mpiexec from [1]

(b) configure with these options

--with-pbs=<path to pbs> --prefix=/home/me/<someprefix>

(c) put /home/me/<someprefix>/bin in your PATH environment, before
the mpich2/bin location.


[1] http://www.osc.edu/~pw/mpiexec/index.php

Jeffrey B. Layton wrote:
> Good morning,
>   I hate to bother everyone early in the morning, but I'm
> looking for some advice on MPICH2 startup. I've been starting
> an mpd on each node in the cluster via,
> mpdboot -n 25 -f /home/jlayton/mpd.hosts
> where the file mpd.hosts contains a list of all possible hosts.
> So I'm basically starting mpd on every node. Then I run the
> code using mpiexec
> mpiexec -machinefile ${PBS_NODEFILE} -n ${NP} ./${EXE}
> and run mpdallexit after the code is finished to stop all of the
> mpds. Notice that I'm using PBS for queuing/scheduling.
>   This is something of a pain, because we lose nodes for
> various projects or training so I'm constantly having to go into
> the list of hosts and edit it. I also have to change the count on
> the mpdboot command.
>   Is there a better way to start up MPICH2 codes using PBS?
> Thanks!
> Jeff

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