[MPICH] passwordless rsh/ssh

Syed Irfan irfan at itee.uq.edu.au
Tue Jun 21 21:27:59 CDT 2005

Hi Kevin,

Well you need to add the user who is going to rsh under $HOME/.rhosts 
(refer 2)

if you want to use hostname instead of ip address add the appropriate 
hostnames and ip address to /etc/hosts (refer 2)

1. for passwordless ssh look here:

2. for passwordless rsh login look here:

As always a lot of info provided in the mpich2 user manual. Thanks to 
the authors of the manual very helpful :)


Kevin C. wrote:
> Dear all
> I manage to get rshd/rsh and ssh to work. I can rsh / ssh to myself 
> localhost. I notice that I cannot log in as root via rsh and have to use 
> a normal user account for rsh. Is this normal? Does it matter to MPICH 
> whether it's root or not root passwordless login?
> When I ssh/rsh to another machine I have to use it's IP address. How do 
> I get around this so that I can rsh/ssh using hostname?
> I manage to get ssh passwordless to localhost, but not to other hosts. 
> If I was using ssh, how would I configure MPICH-1 to use ssh instead of 
> it using rsh by default?
> Did anyone know how to make rsh passwordless?

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