[MPICH] Tools to play(debug/monitor) with source - a developers perspective ?

Anthony Chan chan at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jun 13 23:57:03 CDT 2005

On Tue, 14 Jun 2005, Syed Irfan wrote:

> What tools are used to modify/debug/analyze/monitor mpi source (API) ?

I am not sure what you mean by mpi source!  Here is what I know.

For debugging, you could use gdb/ddd (good for few processes)

mpiexec -n 2 ddd a.out

This is only possible with mpich2 and not mpich1.  For complicated
or large job, you may need totalview (I haven't tried this with mpich2
yet, but the support is there).

For performance tunning:

--At user level, you could MPE's logging capability to profile
  your mpi code, i.e. you first generate a clog2 file by linking
  your code with mpe libraries and convert the file to slog2 file
  and view it in jumpshot.  I believe you can use TAU from university of

--At developer level, you could configure MPICH2 with rlog support.
  Running mpi code will generate a rlog file which contains the details
  of mpich2's internal.  Again you can view rlog file with jumpshot.

> An insight into the procedure or a blog from developers perspective on
> his activity to improve/modify mpich source would be great :)

May not be what you are looking for, but our cvs repository has been
posted on our website:



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