[MPICH] rsh problem on Linux

William Gropp gropp at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jun 13 22:03:51 CDT 2005

At 09:46 PM 6/13/2005, Syed Irfan wrote:
>Hi there,
>Anthony Chan wrote:
>>I strongly recommend you to use mpich2 instead of mpich-1.
>>The latest mpich2 version 1.0.2 was released last friday, provides
>>a different mechanism that does not rely on rsh/ssh.  You can get
>>it in http://www.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich2
>Hmm mpich2-1.0.2 provides a different mechanism so as not to rely on 
>rsh/ssh ? Having a look at the code for mpich2-1.0.1 pm/mpd seems to 
>use  rsh/ssh? any thing changed in v1.0.2 ? that I am not aware of? Or are 
>you talking about mpi program comms device settings?

The MPD process manager doesn't use ssh/rsh.  There is a convenience script 
that helps launch the MPD process manager on different nodes; this does use 
ssh/rsh to start the MPD demons and is probably what you saw.  But the MPD 
process managers can be started without a remote shell program.  Once the 
MPD system is started, ssh/rsh are not used; this is very different from 
MPICH1.  In addition, it is relatively easy to interface MPICH2 to other 
process managers; in fact, an MPICH2 executable can be started with either 
the MPD or the gforker PM without change.



William Gropp

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