[MPICH] Hi and question

Prakash Velayutham Prakash.Velayutham at cchmc.org
Tue Aug 9 20:00:19 CDT 2005


Way out of the list's context. You should ask this in one of the networking lists. But here is the answer.

You could do something called channel bonding to load balance your network adapters in the master node. I think your switch also needs to support it. Just look it up on the web. Here is a link.


Hope it helps,

>>> Julio Trevisan <juliotrevisan at yahoo.com> 08/09/05 3:52 PM >>>
Hi everyone.
I am a researcher from Florianópolis, Brazil (Federal University of Santa Catarina). 
I am already using MPICH2.
We use in the lab a small cluster with 5 computers and there is no communication between slaves; only between master and slave. 
My questiont: is there any way to install 2 ethernet adapters inside the master computer to fasten the communication?

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