[MOAB-dev] MOAB-4.7.0 Release (SIGMA 1.0)

Vijay S. Mahadevan vijaysm at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Jul 25 12:17:39 CDT 2014

Dear MOAB users,

We are pleased to announce the release of MOAB-4.7 which is now part
of the Scalable Interfaces for Geometry and Mesh based Applications
(SIGMA) tools. The tarball for the release is available for download
from http://sigma.mcs.anl.gov/downloads.

The release notes for all the packages as part of SIGMA are available
at http://sigma.mcs.anl.gov/sigma/sigma-release-1-0. Please upgrade
from 4.6.x and lower to the latest version in order for us to help you
better use the tools.

Some important updates for MOAB include:

# Implemented the Array-based Half Facet data structures in MOAB to
improve adjacency querying and efficient traversals between related
entities (use -enable-ahf during configure)
# Co-developed (MOAB and PETSc) to introduce a new native MOAB-mesh
based Discretization Manager (DM) implementation in PETSc that
supports parallel solution to PDE problems on unstructured grids
# Improved configuration and support for CMake based builds
# Extensive enhancements in several reader/writer implementations (NC,
# Improved Paraview plugin support to directly read H5M files
# Remove memory leak for point-to-point communication (issue #7), due
to reusing of MPIRequest structures
# Several other miscellaneous bug fixes, enhancements throughout the
library. More information at

As always, send us an email at moab-dev at mcs.anl.gov, if you have any
questions on configuration/build/install procedures.

Thank you,
Vijay and SIGMA team

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