[MOAB-dev] pytaps: can't import iBase and iMesh

Huayi Wei huayiwei1984 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 08:50:03 CDT 2014

Hi, there

I installed pytaps on my computer with os Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit. And I met 
such an error when I import iBase and iMesh in Python:

|>>> from itaps import iBase, iMesh
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PyTAPS-1.4-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/itaps/iMesh.so: undefined symbol: imesh_getentities_

And using the command |nm -D nm -D 
I can find |imesh_getentities_| in iMesh.so`.

By the way, when I compile cgm/moab/lasso, I use the option |--with-pic| 
following the suggestion on PyTAPS 
<http://pythonhosted.org/PyTAPS/install.html>. So what's the problem? 
Please give me some suggestions about it. Thanks very much.



|0000000000213c68 B __bss_start
                  w __cxa_finalize
0000000000213c68 D _edata
0000000000213d10 B _end
000000000000b9e8 T _fini
                  U free
                  w __gmon_start__
                  U imesh_addentarrtoset_
                  U imesh_addentset_
                  U imesh_addenttoset_
                  U imesh_addprntchld_
                  U imesh_createent_
                  U imesh_createentarr_
                  U imesh_createentset_
                  U imesh_createtag_
                  U imesh_createvtx_
                  U imesh_createvtxarr_
                  U imesh_deleteent_
                  U imesh_deleteentarr_
                  U imesh_destroyentset_
                  U imesh_destroytag_
                  U imesh_dtor_
                  U imesh_endentarriter_
                  U imesh_endentiter_
                  U imesh_getadjentindices_
                  U imesh_getadjtable_
                  U imesh_getallentsettags_
                  U imesh_getalltags_
                  U imesh_getarrdata_
                  U imesh_getchldn_
                  U imesh_getdata_
                  U imesh_getdescription_
                  U imesh_getdfltstorage_
                  U imesh_getent2ndadj_
                  U imesh_getentadj_
                  U imesh_getentarr2ndadj_
                  U imesh_getentarradj_
                  U imesh_getentarrtopo_
                  U imesh_getentarrtype_
                  U imesh_getentities_
                  U imesh_getentsetdata_
                  U imesh_getentsets_
                  U imesh_getenttopo_
                  U imesh_getenttype_
                  U imesh_getgeometricdimension_
                  U imesh_getnextentarriter_
                  U imesh_getnextentiter_
                  U imesh_getnumchld_
                  U imesh_getnumentsets_
                  U imesh_getnumoftopo_
                  U imesh_getnumoftype_
                  U imesh_getnumprnt_
                  U imesh_getprnts_
                  U imesh_getrootset_
                  U imesh_gettaghandle_
                  U imesh_gettagname_
                  U imesh_gettagsizebytes_
                  U imesh_gettagsizevalues_
                  U imesh_gettagtype_
                  U imesh_getvtxarrcoords_
                  U imesh_getvtxcoord_
                  U imesh_initentarriter_
                  U imesh_initentiter_
                  U imesh_intersect_
                  U imesh_ischildof_
                  U imesh_isentarrcontained_
                  U imesh_isentcontained_
                  U imesh_isentsetcontained_
                  U imesh_islist_
                  U imesh_load_
                  U imesh_newmesh_
                  U imesh_optimize_
                  U imesh_resetentarriter_
                  U imesh_resetentiter_
                  U imesh_rmvarrtag_
                  U imesh_rmventarrfromset_
                  U imesh_rmventfromset_
                  U imesh_rmventset_
                  U imesh_rmventsettag_
                  U imesh_rmvprntchld_
                  U imesh_rmvtag_
                  U imesh_save_
                  U imesh_setadjtable_
                  U imesh_setarrdata_
                  U imesh_setdata_
                  U imesh_setentsetdata_
                  U imesh_setgeometricdimension_
                  U imesh_setvtxarrcoords_
                  U imesh_setvtxcoord_
                  U imesh_subtract_
                  U imesh_unite_
00000000000046e8 T _init
000000000000af60 T initiMesh
                  w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
                  w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
                  w _Jv_RegisterClasses
                  U malloc
                  U PyArg_ParseTuple
                  U PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords
                  U PyBool_FromLong
                  U PyBool_Type
                  U Py_BuildValue
                  U PyCObject_AsVoidPtr
                  U PyCObject_FromVoidPtr
                  U PyCObject_Type
                  U PyDict_SetItemString
                  U PyErr_BadArgument
                  U PyErr_Clear
                  U PyErr_Format
                  U PyErr_Occurred
                  U PyErr_Print
                  U PyErr_SetNone
                  U PyErr_SetString
                  U PyErr_WarnEx
                  U PyExc_AttributeError
                  U PyExc_DeprecationWarning
                  U PyExc_ImportError
                  U PyExc_RuntimeError
                  U PyExc_TypeError
                  U PyExc_ValueError
                  U PyImport_ImportModule
                  U Py_InitModule4_64
                  U PyInt_AsLong
                  U PyInt_FromLong
                  U PyModule_AddObject
                  U _Py_NoneStruct
                  U _Py_NotImplementedStruct
                  U PyNumber_Add
                  U PyObject_Call
                  U PyObject_CallFunction
                  U PyObject_CallObject
                  U PyObject_GenericGetAttr
                  U PyObject_GetAttr
                  U PyObject_GetAttrString
                  U PyObject_SelfIter
                  U PyString_FromFormat
                  U PyString_FromString
                  U _Py_TrueStruct
                  U PyTuple_Pack
                  U PyTuple_Type
                  U PyType_GenericNew
                  U PyType_IsSubtype
                  U PyType_Ready
                  U Py_VaBuildValue
                  U __stack_chk_fail
                  U strlen

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