[MOAB-dev] ANN: PyTAPS now on Bitbucket!

Anthony Scopatz scopatz at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 13:18:28 CDT 2014

Hello All,

It is my esteemed pleasure to announce that PyTAPS - the Python wrapper to
iTAPS, MOAB, CGM, and Lasso is now available on bitbucket [1].  It is my
hope that this will serve as a launching point for further improvements to
PyTAPS and further collaborations using MOAB.

Vijay and I will be working towards and to enable this goal. Personally, I
am very excited to see this happen. If you are interested in helping PyTAPS
evolve or know someone who is, please let us know!

Be Well

1. https://bitbucket.org/fathomteam/pytaps
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