[MOAB-dev] Using MOAB linked to Nek5000

Mohsen Behzad m.behzad.jazi at mail.utoronto.ca
Mon Feb 3 12:32:37 CST 2014

Dear MOAB team,

I am writing to let you know that I intend to use MOAB with "Nek5000"  
for my simulations which will be performed on the SciNet cluster  
(http://wiki.scinethpc.ca/wiki/) in collaboration with the University  
of Toronto, in which I am a post-doc fellow.
Right now, I tried to build MOAB with previously built packages on  
this system including "hdf5" (v. 1.8.7 compiled with openmpi) and  
"netcdf" (parallel version: 1.2.0 compiled with openmpi). As it is  
stated both of these packages were compiled with "openmpi" (v. 1.4.4  
compiled with intel v. 12.1) and therefore there should be no issue  
of compilers compatibility. However, when I attempted to build MOAB  
on this system with the following configuration options and flags:

./configure FC=mpif90 F77=mpif77 CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx \
--prefix=`pwd` \
--with-mpi=${SCINET_MPI_BASE} \
--with-netcdf=${SCINET_PNETCDF_BASE} \
--with-hdf5=${SCINET_HDF5_BASE} \
--with-zlib="/scinet/gpc/Libraries/HDF5-1.8.7/zlib-intel/" \			
--with-szip=${SCINET_SZIP_BASE} \							
--enable-mbzoltan \

I have encountered an error in the configuration as:
"configure:  error: HDF5 library not found or not usable."
It should be noted that "zlib" and "szip" libraries were compiled  
with intel too.

I am wondering if you can help me on this issue.


Mohsen Behzad, Ph.D.
Department of Civil Eng.
University of Toronto
Room 117, 170 College st. M5S 3E3
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
m.behzad.jazi at mail.utoronto.ca

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