[MOAB-dev] commit/MOAB: tautges: Create a Fortran90 example that pushes mesh into parallel MOAB, then resolves shared entities

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Fri Nov 15 11:46:47 CST 2013

1 new commit in MOAB:

Changeset:   4f4f66bf24ff
Branch:      tautges/push-parallel-mesh-example
User:        tautges
Date:        2013-11-15 18:46:32
Summary:     Create a Fortran90 example that pushes mesh into parallel MOAB, then resolves shared entities
and exchanges a ghost layer of elements.

This required a change to MOAB's iMeshP implementation of iMeshP_syncMeshAll, where a call is made to resolve_shared_ents.
This also removes ParallelComm::update_shared_mesh, which was an empty function called from syncMeshAll but didn't do anything.

Affected #:  5 files

diff --git a/examples/PushParMeshIntoMoabF90.F90 b/examples/PushParMeshIntoMoabF90.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..131d19c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/PushParMeshIntoMoabF90.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+! PushParMeshIntoMoabF90: push parallel mesh into moab, F90 version
+! This program shows how to push a mesh into MOAB in parallel from Fortran90, with sufficient
+! information to resolve boundary sharing and exchange a layer of ghost information.
+! To successfully link this example, you need to specify FCFLAGS that include:
+!    a) -DUSE_MPI, and
+!    b) flags required to link Fortran90 MPI programs with the C++ compiler; these flags
+!       can often be found on your system by inspecting the output of 'mpif90 -show'
+! For example, using gcc, the link line looks like:
+!   make MOAB_DIR=<moab install dir> FCFLAGS="-DUSE_MPI -I/usr/lib/openmpi/include -pthread -I/usr/lib/openmpi/lib -L/usr/lib/openmpi/lib -lmpi_f90 -lmpi_f77 -lmpi -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -Wl,--export-dynamic -lnsl -lutil -lm -ldl" PushParMeshIntoMoabF90
+! Usage: PushParMeshIntoMoab
+program PushParMeshIntoMoab
+  implicit none
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+#  include "iMeshP_f.h"
+#  include "iMesh_f.h"
+  ! declarations
+  ! imesh is the instance handle
+  iMesh_Instance imesh
+  ! NUMV, NUME, NVPERE are the hardwired here; these are for the whole mesh,
+  ! local mesh determined later
+  integer NUMV, NUME, NVPERE
+  parameter (NUMV = 8)   ! # vertices in whole mesh
+  parameter (NUME = 6)   ! # elements in whole mesh
+  parameter (NVPERE = 4) ! # vertices per element
+  ! ents, verts will be arrays storing vertex/entity handles
+  iBase_EntityHandle, pointer :: ents, verts
+  iBase_EntitySetHandle root_set
+  TYPE(C_PTR) :: vertsPtr, entsPtr
+  ! storage for vertex positions, element connectivity indices, global vertex ids
+  real*8 coords(0:3*NUMV-1)
+  integer iconn(0:4*NUME-1), gids(0:NUMV-1)
+  !
+  ! local variables
+  integer lgids(0:NUMV-1), lconn(0:4*NUME-1)
+  real*8 lcoords(0:3*NUMV-1)
+  integer lnumv, lvids(0:NUMV-1), gvids(0:NUMV-1)
+  integer lvpe, ltp ! lvpe = # vertices per entity, ltp = element type
+  integer ic, ie, iv, istart, iend, ierr, indv, lnume, rank, sz
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+  ! local variables for parallel runs
+  iMeshP_PartitionHandle imeshp
+  integer MPI_COMM_WORLD
+  ! vertex positions, latlon coords, (lat, lon, lev), fortran ordering
+  ! (first index varying fastest)
+  data coords / &
+       0.0, -45.0,   0.0,  90.0, -45.0,   0.0, 180.0, -45.0,   0.0, 270.0, -45.0,   0.0, &
+       0.0,  45.0,   0.0,  90.0,  45.0,   0.0, 180.0,  45.0,   0.0, 270.0,  45.0,   0.0 /
+  ! quad index numbering, each quad ccw, sides then bottom then top
+  data iconn / & 
+       0, 1, 5, 4,  & 
+       1, 2, 6, 5,  & 
+       2, 3, 7, 6,  & 
+       3, 0, 4, 7,  & 
+       0, 3, 2, 1,  & 
+       4, 5, 6, 7 /
+  data lvpe /4/ ! quads in this example
+  data ltp / iMesh_QUADRILATERAL / ! from iBase_f.h
+  ! initialize global vertex ids
+  do iv = 0, NUMV-1
+     lgids(iv) = iv+1
+  end do
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+  ! init the parallel partition
+  call MPI_INIT(ierr)
+  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, sz, ierr)
+  call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, ierr)
+  ! compute starting/ending element numbers
+  lnume = NUME / sz
+  istart = rank * lnume
+  iend = istart + lnume - 1
+  if (rank .eq. sz-1) then
+     iend = NUME-1
+     lnume = iend - istart + 1
+  endif
+  ! set the starting/ending element numbers
+  istart = 0
+  iend = NUME-1
+  lnume = NUME
+  ! for my elements, figure out which vertices I use and accumulate local indices and coords
+  ! lvids stores the local 0-based index for each vertex; -1 means vertex i isn't used locally
+  ! also build up connectivity indices for local elements, in lconn
+  do iv = 0, NUMV-1
+     lvids(iv) = -1
+  end do
+  lnumv = -1
+  do ie = istart, iend
+     do iv = 0, lvpe-1
+        indv = iconn(lvpe*ie + iv)
+        if (lvids(indv) .eq. -1) then
+           lnumv = lnumv + 1 ! increment local # verts
+           do ic = 0, 2 ! cache local coords
+              lcoords(3*lnumv+ic) = coords(3*indv+ic)
+           end do
+           lvids(indv) = lnumv
+           gvids(lnumv) = 1+indv
+        end if
+        lconn(lvpe*(ie-istart)+iv) = lvids(indv)
+     end do  ! do iv
+  end do  ! do ie
+  lnumv = lnumv + 1
+  ! now create the mesh; this also initializes parallel sharing and ghost exchange
+  imesh = 0
+  imeshp = 0
+  call create_mesh(imesh, imeshp, MPI_COMM_WORLD, lnumv, lnume, gvids, lvpe, ltp, lcoords, lconn, &
+       vertsPtr, entsPtr, ierr)
+  call c_f_pointer(vertsPtr, verts, [lnumv])
+  call c_f_pointer(entsPtr, ents, [lnume])
+  ! get/report number of vertices, elements
+  call iMesh_getRootSet(%VAL(imesh), root_set, ierr)
+  iv = 0
+  ie = 0
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+  call iMeshP_getNumOfTypeAll(%VAL(imesh), %VAL(imeshp), %VAL(root_set), %VAL(iBase_VERTEX), iv, ierr)
+  call iMeshP_getNumOfTypeAll(%VAL(imesh), %VAL(imeshp), %VAL(root_set), %VAL(iBase_FACE), ie, ierr)
+  if (rank .eq. 0) then
+     write(0,*) "Number of vertices = ", iv
+     write(0,*) "Number of entities = ", ie
+  endif
+  call iMesh_getNumOfTypeAll(%VAL(imesh), %VAL(root_set), %VAL(iBase_VERTEX), iv, ierr)
+  call iMesh_getNumOfTypeAll(%VAL(imesh), %VAL(root_set), %VAL(iBase_FACE), ie, ierr)
+  write(0,*) "Number of vertices = ", iv
+  write(0,*) "Number of entities = ", ie
+  ! from here, can use verts and ents as (1-based) arrays of entity handles for input to other iMesh functions
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr)
+  stop
+end program PushParMeshIntoMoab
+subroutine create_mesh( &
+  !     interfaces
+     imesh, imeshp, &
+  !     input
+     comm, numv, nume, vgids, nvpe, tp, posn, iconn, &
+  !     output
+     vertsPtr, entsPtr, ierr)
+  !
+  ! create a mesh with numv vertices and nume elements, with elements of type tp
+  ! vertices have positions in posn (3 coordinates each, interleaved xyzxyz...), indexed from 0
+  ! elements have nvpe vertices per entity, with connectivity indices stored in iconn, referencing
+  ! vertices using 0-based indices; vertex and entity handles are output in arrays passed in
+  !
+  ! if imesh/imeshp are 0, imesh/imeshp are initialized in this subroutine
+  !
+  implicit none
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+#  include "iMeshP_f.h"
+#  include "mpif.h"
+#  include "iMesh_f.h"
+  ! subroutine arguments
+  iMesh_Instance imesh
+  TYPE(C_PTR) :: vertsPtr, entsPtr
+  integer numv, nume, nvpe, vgids(0:*), iconn(0:*), ierr, tp
+  real*8 posn(0:*)
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+  iMeshP_PartitionHandle imeshp
+  integer comm
+  ! local variables
+  integer comm_sz, comm_rank, numa, numo, iv, ie
+  TYPE(C_PTR) :: statsPtr
+  integer, allocatable, target :: stats(:)
+  iBase_TagHandle tagh
+  integer i
+  iBase_EntityHandle, pointer :: verts(:), ents(:)
+  iBase_EntityHandle, allocatable :: conn(:)
+  iBase_EntitySetHandle root_set
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+  IBASE_HANDLE_T mpi_comm_c
+  TYPE(C_PTR) :: partsPtr
+  iMeshP_PartHandle, pointer :: parts(:)
+  iMeshP_PartHandle part
+  integer partsa, partso
+  ! create the Mesh instance
+  if (imesh .eq. 0) then
+     call iMesh_newMesh("MOAB", imesh, ierr)
+  end if
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+  if (imeshp .eq. 0) then
+     call iMeshP_getCommunicator(%VAL(imesh), MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_comm_c, ierr)
+     call iMeshP_createPartitionAll(%VAL(imesh), %VAL(mpi_comm_c), imeshp, ierr)
+     call iMeshP_createPart(%VAL(imesh), %VAL(imeshp), part, ierr)
+  else 
+     partsa = 0
+     call iMeshP_getLocalParts(%VAL(imesh), %VAL(imeshp), partsPtr, partsa, partso, ierr)
+     call c_f_pointer(partsPtr, parts, [partso])
+     part = parts(1)
+  end if
+  call MPI_COMM_RANK(comm, comm_rank, ierr)
+  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(comm, comm_sz, ierr)
+  ! create the vertices, all in one call
+  numa = 0
+  call iMesh_createVtxArr(%VAL(imesh), %VAL(numv), %VAL(iBase_INTERLEAVED), posn, %VAL(3*numv), &
+       vertsPtr, numa, numo, ierr)
+  ! fill in the connectivity array, based on indexing from iconn
+  allocate (conn(0:nvpe*nume-1))
+  call c_f_pointer(vertsPtr, verts, [numv])
+  do i = 0, nvpe*nume-1
+     conn(i) = verts(1+iconn(i))
+  end do
+  ! create the elements
+  numa = 0
+  allocate(stats(0:nume-1))
+  statsPtr = C_LOC(stats(0))
+  call iMesh_createEntArr(%VAL(imesh), %VAL(tp), conn, %VAL(nvpe*nume), &
+       entsPtr, numa, numo, statsPtr, numa, numo, ierr)
+  deallocate(stats)
+  deallocate(conn)
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+  ! take care of parallel stuff
+  ! add entities to part, using iMesh
+  call c_f_pointer(entsPtr, ents, [numo])
+  call iMesh_addEntArrToSet(%VAL(imesh), ents, %VAL(numo), %VAL(part), ierr)
+  ! set global ids on vertices, needed for sharing between procs
+  call iMesh_getTagHandle(%VAL(imesh), "GLOBAL_ID", tagh, ierr, %VAL(9))
+  if (iBase_SUCCESS .ne. ierr) then
+     ! didn't get handle, need to create the tag
+     call iMesh_createTag(%VAL(imesh), "GLOBAL_ID", %VAL(iBase_INTEGER), tagh, ierr, %VAL(9))
+  end if
+  call iMesh_setIntArrData(%VAL(imesh), verts, %VAL(numv), %VAL(tagh), vgids, %VAL(numv), ierr)
+  ! now resolve shared verts and exchange ghost cells
+  call iMeshP_syncMeshAll(%VAL(imesh), %VAL(imeshp), ierr)
+  call iMesh_getRootSet(%VAL(imesh), root_set, ierr)
+  call iMeshP_getNumOfTypeAll(%VAL(imesh), %VAL(imeshp), %VAL(root_set), %VAL(iBase_VERTEX), iv, ierr)
+  call iMeshP_getNumOfTypeAll(%VAL(imesh), %VAL(imeshp), %VAL(root_set), %VAL(iBase_FACE), ie, ierr)
+  if (comm_rank .eq. 0) then
+     write(0,*) "After syncMeshAll:"
+     write(0,*) "   Number of vertices = ", iv
+     write(0,*) "   Number of entities = ", ie
+  endif
+  call iMeshP_createGhostEntsAll(%VAL(imesh), %VAL(imeshp), %VAL(2), %VAL(1), %VAL(1), %VAL(0), ierr)
+  if (comm_rank .eq. 0) then
+     write(0,*) "After createGhostEntsAll:"
+     write(0,*) "   Number of vertices = ", iv
+     write(0,*) "   Number of entities = ", ie
+  endif
+  return
+end subroutine create_mesh

diff --git a/examples/makefile b/examples/makefile
index ff5876c..cd6339e 100644
--- a/examples/makefile
+++ b/examples/makefile
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ MESH_DIR="../MeshFiles/unittest"
 EXAMPLES = HelloMOAB GetEntities SetsNTags StructuredMeshSimple DirectAccessWithHoles DirectAccessNoHoles 
 PAREXAMPLES = HelloParMOAB ReduceExchangeTags LloydRelaxation
-F90EXAMPLES = DirectAccessNoHolesF90
+F90EXAMPLES = DirectAccessNoHolesF90 PushParMeshIntoMoabF90
 default: ${EXAMPLES}
@@ -50,12 +50,15 @@ TestExodusII: TestExodusII.o
 point_in_elem_search: point_in_elem_search.o
 	${MOAB_CXX} -o $@ $< ${MOAB_LIBS_LINK}
+PushParMeshIntoMoabF90: PushParMeshIntoMoabF90.o
+	${MOAB_CXX} -o $@ $< ${IMESH_LIBS} -lgfortran -L/usr/lib/openmpi/lib -lmpi_f90 -lmpi_f77 -lmpi -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl 
 .cpp.o :
 .F90.o :

diff --git a/itaps/imesh/iMeshP_MOAB.cpp b/itaps/imesh/iMeshP_MOAB.cpp
index 51254ca..b7e8333 100644
--- a/itaps/imesh/iMeshP_MOAB.cpp
+++ b/itaps/imesh/iMeshP_MOAB.cpp
@@ -1606,11 +1606,8 @@ void iMeshP_syncMeshAll( iMesh_Instance instance,
                          const iMeshP_PartitionHandle partition_handle,
                          int *err )
-  FIXME; // for now we only sync vertex coordinates
-         // need to update ParallelComm::update_shared_mesh to fix this
   ParallelComm* pcomm = PCOMM;
-  ErrorCode rval = pcomm->update_shared_mesh();
+  ErrorCode rval = pcomm->resolve_shared_ents(itaps_cast<EntityHandle>(partition_handle), -1, -1);
   CHKERR(rval,"update failed");

diff --git a/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp b/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp
index d92d9b1..bcc555a 100644
--- a/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp
+++ b/src/parallel/ParallelComm.cpp
@@ -7569,146 +7569,6 @@ ErrorCode ParallelComm::post_irecv(std::vector<unsigned int>& shared_procs,
-  ErrorCode ParallelComm::update_shared_mesh()
-  {
-    //  ErrorCode result;
-    //  int success;
-    // ,,,
-    /*
-    // get all procs interfacing to this proc
-    std::set<unsigned int> iface_procs;
-    result = get_interface_procs(iface_procs);
-    RRA("Failed to get iface sets, procs");
-    // post ghost irecv's for all interface procs
-    // index greqs the same as buffer/sharing procs indices
-    std::vector<MPI_Request> recv_reqs(2*MAX_SHARING_PROCS, MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
-    std::vector<MPI_Status> gstatus(MAX_SHARING_PROCS);
-    std::set<unsigned int>::iterator sit;
-    for (sit = iface_procs.begin(); sit != iface_procs.end(); sit++) {
-    int ind = get_buffers(*sit);
-    success = MPI_Irecv(&ghostRBuffs[ind][0], ghostRBuffs[ind].size(), 
-    MB_MESG_ANY, procConfig.proc_comm(), 
-    &recv_reqs[ind]);
-    if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
-    result = MB_FAILURE;
-    RRA("Failed to post irecv in ghost exchange.");
-    }
-    }
-    // pack and send vertex coordinates from this proc to others
-    // make sendReqs vector to simplify initialization
-    std::fill(sendReqs, sendReqs+2*MAX_SHARING_PROCS, MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
-    Range recd_ents[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
-    for (sit = iface_procs.begin(); sit != iface_procs.end(); sit++) {
-    int ind = get_buffers(*sit);
-    Range vertices;
-    for (Range::iterator rit = interfaceSets.begin(); rit != interfaceSets.end();
-    rit++) {
-    if (!is_iface_proc(*rit, *sit)) 
-    continue;
-    result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type( *rit, MBVERTEX, vertices );
-    RRA("Bad interface set.");
-    }
-    std::map<unsigned int,Range>::iterator ghosted = ghostedEnts.find(*sit);
-    if (ghosted != ghostedEnts.end()) {
-    Range::iterator e = ghosted->second.upper_bound(MBVERTEX);
-    vertices.merge( ghosted->second.begin(), e );
-    }
-    // pack-send; this also posts receives if store_remote_handles is true
-    Range sent;
-    result = pack_send_entities(*sit, vertices, false, false, 
-    false, true,
-    ownerSBuffs[ind], ownerRBuffs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS+ind], 
-    sendReqs[ind], recv_reqs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS+ind], 
-    sent);
-    RRA("Failed to pack-send in mesh update exchange.");
-    }
-    // receive/unpack entities
-    // number of incoming messages depends on whether we're getting back
-    // remote handles
-    int num_incoming = iface_procs.size();
-    while (num_incoming) {
-    int ind;
-    MPI_Status status;
-    success = MPI_Waitany(2*MAX_SHARING_PROCS, &recv_reqs[0], &ind, &status);
-    if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
-    result = MB_FAILURE;
-    RRA("Failed in waitany in ghost exchange.");
-    }
-    // ok, received something; decrement incoming counter
-    num_incoming--;
-    std::vector<EntityHandle> remote_handles_v, sent_ents_tmp;
-    Range remote_handles_r;
-    int new_size;
-    // branch on message type
-    switch (status.MPI_TAG) {
-    case MB_MESG_SIZE:
-    // incoming message just has size; resize buffer and re-call recv,
-    // then re-increment incoming count
-    assert(ind < MAX_SHARING_PROCS);
-    new_size = *((int*)&ghostRBuffs[ind][0]);
-    assert(0 > new_size);
-    result = recv_size_buff(buffProcs[ind], ghostRBuffs[ind], recv_reqs[ind],
-    RRA("Failed to resize recv buffer.");
-    num_incoming++;
-    break;
-    case MB_MESG_ENTS:
-    // incoming ghost entities; process
-    result = recv_unpack_entities(buffProcs[ind], true,
-    false, 
-    ghostRBuffs[ind], ghostSBuffs[ind], 
-    sendReqs[ind], recd_ents[ind]);
-    RRA("Failed to recv-unpack message.");
-    break;
-    }
-    }
-    // ok, now wait if requested
-    MPI_Status status[2*MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
-    success = MPI_Waitall(2*MAX_SHARING_PROCS, &sendReqs[0], status);
-    if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
-    result = MB_FAILURE;
-    RRA("Failure in waitall in ghost exchange.");
-    }
-    return MB_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    ErrorCode ParallelComm::update_iface_sets(Range &sent_ents,
-    std::vector<EntityHandle> &remote_handles, 
-    int from_proc) 
-    {
-    std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator remote_it = remote_handles.begin();
-    Range::iterator sent_it = sent_ents.begin();
-    Range ents_to_remove;
-    for (; sent_it != sent_ents.end(); sent_it++, remote_it++) {
-    if (!*remote_it) ents_to_remove.insert(*sent_it);
-    }
-    for (Range::iterator set_it = interfaceSets.begin(); set_it != interfaceSets.end(); set_it++) {
-    if (!is_iface_proc(*set_it, from_proc)) continue;
-    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->remove_entities(*set_it, ents_to_remove);
-    RRA("Couldn't remove entities from iface set in update_iface_sets.");
-    }
-    */
-    return MB_SUCCESS;
-  }
   //! return sharedp tag
   Tag ParallelComm::sharedp_tag()

diff --git a/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp b/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp
index e4217ce..3424c51 100644
--- a/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp
+++ b/src/parallel/moab/ParallelComm.hpp
@@ -697,10 +697,6 @@ namespace moab {
                                  int& num_part_ids_out,
                                  EntityHandle remote_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS] = 0);
-    // Propogate mesh modification amongst shared entities
-    // from the onwing processor to any procs with copies.
-    ErrorCode update_shared_mesh();
     /** Filter the entities by pstatus tag.  
      * op is one of PSTATUS_ AND, OR, NOT; an entity is output if:
      * AND: all bits set in pstatus_val are also set on entity

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